
Buying a New Home? How A Roof Inspection Can Make Sure You're Not Buying into a Roofing Nightmare

December 14, 20243 min read

Buying a new home is a process that requires your utmost attention and due diligence in order to ensure you are avoiding any near-future problems. One of the most important parts of your home to inspect before committing to the purchase is the roof. You will want to ensure that it is in good condition, waterproofed, and ideally, not in need of a replacement any time too soon.

To ensure you aren't getting yourself into a roofing nightmare with your soon-to-be new home, follow these basic roof inspection tips.

DIY Inspection: The Different Kinds of Roofs

Before you commit to the purchase of the home, you will have the opportunity to have it inspected. Though it is recommended that you hire a professional home inspector to check the roof as well as the basement, crawlspace, electric, and plumbing, you can complete the roof inspection yourself if you please.

If the home has an asphalt shingle roof, you want to inspect the shingles to ensure that none of them are damaged. Damaged shingles will typically curl up at the edges, and appear dull, brittle, and dry. Some may also have cracks in them, and any of these visible signs of damage are indications that the shingles need to be replaced.

With wooden roofs, you should pay attention for dry rot or warped shingles. Wooden roofs require a particularly thorough inspection for moss and moisture. Moss on a wooden roof can be an indication of extensive damage underneath.

Inspect even longer-lasting roofs, like metal and slate tile. Look for signs of rust, as well as pitting and corrosion, on metal roofs, and when dealing with slate or tile roofs, check for chipped, broken, or missing pieces.

Finally, regardless of the type of roof your prospective new home has, ensure that you check the flashings, which are found at seams and uneven surfaces like around a chimney or dormer.

If desired, you can likely work out a deal with the current owner to have roofing repairs completed before the sale is made final.

Paperwork: Ask For Confirmation Documents

Aside from the actual inspection, which you may complete on your own or bring in a professional inspector, you can ask the current owners for documents that prove when the roof was installed. The homeowners will likely be aware of when the roof was installed, especially if they have been in the home for a long time.

There may also be some warranty left on the roof, in which case you should ask for copies of these documents. You can go one step further and call the company with the document identifier number to confirm that the warranty is still valid. If the homeowners are unaware of the age of the roof, this may mean its replacement time is coming up soon.

Usually, however, a professional roofing contractors Adelaide can gauge the age of the roof based on its appearance.

Whether you decide to hire a professional to perform a roof inspection or not, you should certainly do your due diligence. Ensure that you ask the questions you need to, and seek further advice if you feel it's necessary. Any measures you take to avoid a roofing nightmare will be well worth the effort.

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